


作为一个域名注册管理机构,xyz旗下运营的域名后缀已经从最初的3个(.xyz/.College/.Rent)增加到9个(后来收购的.Security/.Protection/.Theatre/.Cars/.Car/.auto),其中后6个域名后缀均将于2017年1月推出。这些域名后缀不分标准或者溢价域名,所有的域名都是同样的价格。终端用户可以保护他们的关键词、城市名字以及其他高度关注的词用以扩大他们的线上影响力。比如赛门铁克(Symantec)就不光注册了Symantec.Security,还同时收购了Data.Protection、Endpoint.Security以及Network.Security等域名。另外百老汇发行公司Brand Entertainment也保护了从Broadway.Theatre到Tickets.Theatre等多个新顶级域名。

尤其值得一提的是,中小企业俨然已是.xyz域名的最大受益者。目前,数十万美元的资金已经投入到终端企业,比如在输入“Arizona used cars”(亚利桑那二手车)搜索词时,使用Arizona.Cars这样域名的经销商就已在Google中排名第一,领先于Carfax、Autotrader和Car Gurus等行业领导者。






Rascali.xyz ? a virtual reality content studio in the US

Intorno.xyz ? a 3D music production company in Spain

Multilanguage.xyz ? a popular Weebly translation app from Argentina

DoverStreet.xyz ? an award-winning production company in the UK

Mixxer.xyz ? a graphic design studio in the Netherlands

作为下一代互联网用户的域名后缀,中国一直是.xyz域名最重要的市场。目前,我们已经在中国投入了大量的资金,用于建立实体公司,聘用中国的雇员,在中国区总监张亚川的带领下,获得中国商业执照,获得中国认证。此外,XYZ是目前获得ICANN 批准进行此操作的唯一国外注册局,并且已经成功获得了中国工信部资质审批,得到了网站备案支持。相信2017年.xyz域名将迎来进一步的增长。

XYZ的首席执行官Daniel Negari表示,XYZ将继续投入大量的资金,通过创新的营销策略,直接与注册商渠道展开密切合作。通过大量的市场资源整合,XYZ团队通过利用他们的创意团队,财务资源和热情的追随者,积极寻求新的双赢机会。有了手头现金,XYZ将扩大其营销活动的范围,同时也希望收购更多的域名后缀,这反过来也会为xyz带来更多的现金流,将有更多的资金用于.xyz域名的营销。目前,.xyz域名的爆发性增长已经有目共睹,而对于其他新后缀来说,2016年只是个开始。


  1. TheInstitute.xyz ? a multifaceted marketing and advertising agency in the US

  2. Elio.xyz ? a Brazilian aerospace farm management system

  3. KarenJWang.xyz ? an aspiring UX designer’s portfolio

  4. Euclidea.xyz ? a geometric puzzle app from Russia

  5. txtMD.xyz ? a SMS based illness diagnosis tool for rural areas

  6. LearningOnline.xyz ? a global language learning platform

  7. Engine.xyz ? a newly launched startup accelerator by MIT

  8. MindTheGap.xyz ? a product development firm in the Netherlands

  9. Rascali.xyz ? a virtual reality content studio in the US

  10. Intorno.xyz ? a 3D music production company in Spain

  11. Hikers.xyz ? Ian Clark’s hiking journal

  12. Lisn.xyz ? a music sharing app in India

  13. NPDM.xyz ? a student’s design portfolio

  14. Converge.xyz ? an informational resource for BMG’s clients

  15. Echoes.xyz ? augmented reality audio tours in Vietnam

  16. Fungogo.xyz ? a social travel planner in Taiwan

  17. Multilanguage.xyz ? a popular Weebly translation app from Argentina

  18. NotebookAndEarth.xyz ? a travel journal for 3 adventurers from Azerbaijan

  19. Dino.xyz ? a Slack plugin to showcase your work culture

  20. Comuzi.xyz ? a digital design firm in the UK

  21. JLin.xyz ? the personal site of a creative individual

  22. LetsMath.xyz ? an online learning platform for Generation Z

  23. DoverStreet.xyz ? an award-winning production company in the UK

  24. BambangYusuf.xyz ? a web designer in Indonesia

  25. V-M-C.xyz ? a music entertainment agency in Indonesia

  26. CycleFeed.xyz ? a cycling blog and podcast in Canada

  27. OpenJC.xyz ? a nonprofit in Jersey City

  28. AxisGroup.xyz ? a design studio in Argentina

  29. Rodrigo.xyz ? a Brazilian web developer’s personal site

  30. Mixxer.xyz ? a graphic design studio in the Netherlands

  31. Epitome.xyz ? a guide to Greece

  32. Voce.xyz ? a street art installation in Germany

  33. Faceboard.xyz ? an e-learning platform from South Africa

  34. JonathanItakpe.xyz ? a personal site for a developer in Nigeria

  35. Devloops.xyz ? an app developer in Egypt

  36. SpinWild.xyz ? a digital marketing firm in Taiwan

  37. Percipio.xyz ? a VR camera manufacturer in China

  38. Sling.xyz ? an Israeli wearable payment ? recently acquired for over $10 million USD

  39. Empati.xyz ? a nonprofit in Turkey

  40. Hussam.xyz ? an entrepreneur in UAE

  41. Playground.xyz ? an advertising agency in Australia

  42. JulesDelaveau.xyz ? a graphic designer in New Zealand

  43. MusicTalks.xyz ? an audio discovery platform from Australia

  44. Practice.xyz ? a learning platform that rebranded from ApprenNet.com

  45. Simpa.xyz ? an independent medical practice specializing in primary care

  46. TheGoodLife.xyz ? a charitable apparel company

  47. PeterCochrane.xyz ? the portfolio of a California-based photographer

  48. Resl.xyz ? the portfolio of artist and designer, Moritz Resl

  49. FeldOfPlay.xyz ? a multifaceted product and graphic design studio

  50. Levalet.xyz ? main site of a popular French street artist

  51. Liucid.xyz ? an artistic journal of thoughts by Ann Liu

  52. Tantrum.xyz ? a lifestyle blog for modern parents

  53. AllisonLaw.xyz ? an American’s travel blog

  54. Throne.xyz ? a news source and marketplace for streetwear

  55. Dabble.xyz ? an innovative dating app

  56. Feed.xyz ? a digital marketing studio in London

  57. BrakeTheCycle.xyz ? an adventure club of cycling enthusiasts

  58. Fathom.xyz ?an IoT company specializing in location emitting Bluetooth beacons

  59. ThatStore.xyz ? a Japanese clothing store

  60. Jagzzi.xyz ? an online fashion and lifestyle magazine in Tokyo

  61. Kisaburo.xyz ? a dedicated website for Kisaburo’s fashion line

  62. Activatr.xyz ? a startup incubator in Germany

  63. Milk.xyz ? a New Yorked-based popculture site

  64. Dreamr.xyz ? a music discovery platform

  65. Maybe.xyz ? a creative new shopping app

  66. Exponentials.xyz ? a technology hub founded by Deloitte

  67. Rise.xyz ? an HR software platform that rebranded from PaySavvy.com

  68. GadgetDaily.xyz ? the official website of Gadget Magazine

  69. GetSerendipity.xyz ? a free professional networking service

  70. Starship.xyz ? robotic delivery technology invented by the founders of Skype

  71. Boomerang.xyz ? a family-friendly banking solution

  72. DoTell.xyz ? a social messaging platform

  73. Lune.xyz ? a VR marketing agency in Poland


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